LOCATION: Cesis county, Melturi

Participants will work in groups, max. number of groups, size of one group, etc. - according to the current rules for organising camps.  

As we have 27 huskies, in order to have a friend for each camper, we try to keep the number of campers close to the number of huskies.

2024 times:

  • 07.06.2024. : 16:00 -09.06.2024. : 17:00  (7-15 years )
  • 10.06.2024. : 16:00 -15.06.2024.  : 11:00 (7-19 years
  • 16.06.2024. : 16:00 -21.06.2024. : 17:00  (10-18 years

Camp philosophy: There's a little husky in all of us!

What to expect at a camp?

20 very friendly huskies, Hiking with huskies in outfits, scooter ride, bicycle sled ride, Gauja National Park`s nature, walk along Amata, Cecili nature trail, camp with dogs, campfire lunch, creative workshops, morning exercise, physiotherapist, midnight husky walk, active lifestyle, forest, meadow, Latvia, orienteering with the dog, movie nights, new friends, staying in a well-equipped hotel, healthy traditional diet.

Children's Camp daily routine:  

9:00 children wake up

9:30 morning exercises

10:00 breakfast

10:30 - 13:00 lessons with huskies

13:00 lunch

13:45-16:00 Husky lessons

16:00 Lunch

16:30-17:30 Rest time

17:00-19:00 various activities

19:00 dinner

19:30-21:30 Movie time

~21:30-21:40 night

21:40-22:40 activities

22:40-23:00 getting ready for bed

from 23:00 night

How to apply?

Fill in the application form on the website or call on number 25951531

Sled dog sport

This sport is not just about a sporting activity. 

It is about responsibility, perseverance, motivation, cooperation, 

love and much more.

Be one of us - apply and learn more than others.


CAMP 12.03.2023.-18.03.2023.


The fee depends on the date of application and the type of room in which the young person will live.

from 01.01.2023 to 31.01.2023

425 EUR (2-3 young people per room with shared bathroom)

EUR 475 (2-3 young people in a room with private bathroom)

from 01.02. to 25.02.2023

EUR 450 (2-3 young people per room with shared bathroom)

EUR 500 (2-3 young people per room with private bathroom)

After 25.02.2023 If there are places available and registration is still open, the fee is the same as from 01.02.2023.

CAMP 05.06.2023.-10.06.2023. 


Room rental, 4 x quality and tasty meals, sleeping in well-appointed rooms, bed linen provided, accident insurance for the duration of the camp, commemorative gift with camp symbol, staff costs, materials for the camp programme, equipment, sled dog equipment, themed evening events and night track, stationery and household goods for workshops, photos taken during the camp.


Visi nometnes veidotāji superīgi cilvēki, tā mīlestība pret dzīvniekiem nav vārdos aprakstāma! Dot bērniem iespēju darboties ar tik sarežģītiem dzīvniekiem kā haskijiem ir vienkārši apbrīnojami. Bērni gūst pieredzi kā pareizi jāizjūt suns, kā pareizi jāapietas ar dzīvnieki! Mana meita ir vienkārši stāvā sajūsmā par nometni "Piedzīvojumi ar haskijiem". Paldies, ka jūs esat!!! 

Aizraujoša nometne dažāda vecuma bērniem. Bērniem veidojas izpratne par haskijiem un ar tiem saistītajiem sporta veidiem. Nometnes laikā haskijs kļūst par labu draugu, ar kuru kopā piedzīvotas gan sacensības, gan orientēšanās, gan suņu spa :)

Esi drosmīgs, pieņem jaunus izaicinājumus. Ja vēlies jaunas emocijas un piedzīvojumus, ir viens kopējs spēks, ko vieno- daba, haskiji un jauniegūtie divkājainie draugi.
Šovasar bērns bija uz trim nometnēm, bet tikai no šīs negribēja braukt prom un visu ceļu līdz mājām ik pa brīdim saskuma, ka nevarēja palikt vēl. Fantastiska iespēja sadraudzēties dažāda vecuma bērniem, kurus visus vieno interese par dzīvniekiem, un absolūti lieliska organizatoru komanda, kas māk iedot to īsto bērnības garšu. Ir skaidrs, ka mums nekad (nekad nesaki nekad, tas gan) pašiem nebūs haskijs tā milzīgā darba dēļ, ko šie suņi prasa, bet bērna sapni par to var izdzīvot šādi. Paldies komandai par dzīvesprieku!